Departments in Factory
Factory consisted of five departments:

Department of HANDS
Department of EYES
Department of PLANTS
Department of OBJECTS and
Department of Reorganization. (D.O.R)

Each department was in charge of particular research that focused on different areas. Important projects included:

- Study of HANDS Responses to Macroscopic and Microscopic Lines of the Universe

- Transformation development History: HANDS and EYES intersection research

- Renewable Energy from PLANTS and application to Future Cities.

- Mechanism Study of multiple combination approaches of modern Factory Creatures using Multimodality Microscopy for after-treatment mistaken rearrangement.

- 4th Generation D.O.R. Research: Reorganizing Arts with Multiple Inputs in Relation to HANDS and EYES.

Department of HANDS
Department of EYES
Department of OBJECT
(working in progress)
Department of PLANTS (working in progress)
Department of Reorganization(D.O.R.)
(working in progress)